Sunday, May 23, 2010

If a map were to be made at extreme detail many would say that you would reach a point of extreme flatness. A quantum physicist would say otherwise. Although it would appear as if everything is getting flatter the smaller it is scoped in, once you reach the Plank level, something known as quantum foam will appear

Ignoring businesses and agriculture, this displays a very unique light on how much of the physical world we actually waste.

Russia's thoughts

This is Russia's hypothesis as to walk will become of the US in future years. Knowing Americans this will probably happen one day...

A very creative map

The Genius and expert in Photoshop behind Vlad Studio has created a map that enlightens the imagination to a world in which land is sea and sea is land. To visit his website go to

How would society be, if each country's size was relative to its population?

Would life be easier, harder perhaps? Could we achieve a real utopia? If you have traveled to such a world please inform the rest of us below.

A Utopia of Life

This is a map of a world like no other, a Utopia. Made by Digitalprint